Welcome to my newest blog, which is just for those times when we are having holidays and/or travelling around our fascinating country, Australia. To read about our 7-month trip around Australia, see http://SandrafromSydney.blogspot.com to follow my mini adventures, visit http//:SnippetsfrommyStudio.blogspot.com To see some of my scrapbooking and how I develop in cardmaking, my newest hobby, visit http://ScrappySnippets.blogspot.com

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Monday - the lows and the highs

It was really sad to leave our friends today.  The campground still has a scattering of caravans around.  some people are staying here for a while because it is such a nice place.  Others, like us, are leaving today.

Our friends Denise and John, and Laraine and Bob, are returning to their respective homes after short visits elsewhere, as we are doing.  But our dearest friends Marilyn and Richard won't be home until the end of the year.  They are travelling through Queensland then over to Darwin and Kakadu in the Northern Territory.  Peter and I will miss them terribly. 

We were quite late leaving the campground, rather reluctant to say goodbye.  And then on the highway going north both cars stopped at a fruit market to buy some local produce and we said goodbye again.

I was quite 'down' for the rest of the trip even though the country is pretty and we weren't driving very far.

I an intrigued by names of places we pass through when driving.  At first I wondered about the origin of the name Trial Bay, but my surmises were way off - it was named after a ship that sank in the bay.  Funny name for a ship!  But I have to wonder about some of the places we passed today.  Okay, so Deadman's Valley is probably rather obvious.  But Hungry Head - what's the story behind that?  And Man Arm Creek?  Or Halfway Creek - halfway between where and where, I wonder?

Then there are the Aboriginal names.
Woolgoolga - derived from the Yaygir language 'Weilgulga' meaning 'red lilly pilly'
Urungs - meaning 'long white sands'
Nambucca heads - 'entrance to the waters'
There was a Waterfall Way, which conjures thoughts of tranquil bushland with a lovely waterfall - but that is unlikely since it appeared to be a fairly major route to several destinations now.  How sad that something that might once have been a pretty drive is probably now spoiled.

The trees were mainly native, with one town having an avenue of exotics - liquid ambers I think - just starting to show off their Autumn glory.  And on and off we saw the tropical poinciana tree in bloom, though most of them aren't blooming as fully at this time of year as the one in this photo I googled.  when they are in full bloom like this they are spectacularly beautiful.  And they seem to grow like weeds.

It didn't take long to get to our destination, just a bit further up the mid north coast of New South Wales.  I had arranged to meet a miniaturist friend, Susan, whom I had met through various clubs and our blogs.  She does the most amazing miniature crochet and has a blog called minicrochetmad.  I've shown the gorgeous little 1:12th scale baby outfit she gave me, on Snippets from my Studio but here is another photo simply because I cannot resist showing it again.
Front view - booties measure a scant 1/4", dress is barely 1 1/2" long

View back of dress - all buttons on dress and pilchers work!
I don't know how Susan does it, the stitches are just so tiny.  go to the link above to see some more of her work - it's unbelievably delicate and tiny.

I had taken some of my quarter scale houses to show Susan, and her comment was that photos don't really show their size in reality. Her daughter and three of her grandsons called in while we were at her house and the boys all enjoy miniatures.  Congratulations Susan - you have trained them well!

Susan has quite a collection of roomboxes which she modestly dismisses as not finished but they all show great creativity and a love of miniatures.that covers a wide range of areas.  And her beautiful handiwork is visible in all of them, which makes them even more special.  She also has a lovely dollshouse, built to her specifications, that she is decorating and filling gradually and again her own handiwork is visible in that.  One very talented lady!

Sometimes when you meet someone you have built up a picture in your mind of what they will be like then are disappointed when you meet them in the flesh.  But Susan is just as nice in reality as she seemed all the time we have been internet buddies.  Thank you for a lovely visit Susan!  After visiting for quite a while we returned to the van for an early night.  For a camp that was intended for older retired folks, Grey Nomads had certainly tired us out lol!

However I had the next day to look forward to.  Susan and I were going to have a get-together with another miniaturist, Lidi, who makes the most splendid baskets and is an extremely talented miniaturist using Creative PaperClay among other things.

But that's for next time.....Until then,


  1. Thanks for sharing information on Snippets On The Move, i have visited your blog great post................

    Caravans Toowoomba

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog! We really do love travelling and have visited and stayed at Toowoomba on several occasions. It is a beautiful place! Our daughter lived there for some time and it gave us a chance to enjoy it for quite long periods as well as the times we have stayed there passing through.


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