Welcome to my newest blog, which is just for those times when we are having holidays and/or travelling around our fascinating country, Australia. To read about our 7-month trip around Australia, see http://SandrafromSydney.blogspot.com to follow my mini adventures, visit http//:SnippetsfrommyStudio.blogspot.com To see some of my scrapbooking and how I develop in cardmaking, my newest hobby, visit http://ScrappySnippets.blogspot.com

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The dog that says 'Amen'

Dolly is a spoodle - a cross between a miniature poodle and a schnauzer.  She is also an extremely friendly little dog so it is difficult to get a good photo of her, especially at night.  She has faithfully attended each and every meeting, and at the most appropriate times gives a bark - just a single bark, not quite a yap, but it is often as though she is saying 'Amen!'.  Her timing is impeccable, and it brings a smile or laugh to everyone in the tent, including the speaker at the time.  

There are several small dogs on the ground. A Springer Spaniel sits up in the back row of the section where we sit, on her own little patchwork quilt.  She is beautiful, golden brown and white.  There is another little dog that is carried around in a large handbag, and a little white fluffball that attends the meetings but is perfectly quiet.  There is also a little brown curly-haired dog that attends and is totally silent as well, I think she is a poodle as well.  A little Maltese- Shih Tzu cross is left on a long lead in the shade under a tree outside, with a rug, food and water, and patiently waits for his owner after the meeting.  He is a sweetie and reminds me of my daughter's dog Fluffy except he is a little bit larger and more light tan than white.

Yesterday, Sabbath, was a day that had a tinge of sadness as well as being a wonderful day for it was the last day of Grey Nomads Camp.  There was a great address by the President of the Conference (organising body) of North New South Wales in the 9.30 meeting.  The church service was taken by Dr Roy Adams, who has been speaking in our evening meetings all week and is soooo inspiring it has been such a feast!  The afternoon meeting was just as good and then in the evening after Sabbath had closed there was a concert and I think my ribs still hurt from laughing!

I wish I could get a copy of the caravanner's poem that was read by one of the performers - it was about those people who start to pack up their vans early in the morning and disturb the sleep of the rest of the camp and it was hilarious.  Many items filled the evening, including a reversed Cinderella, called 'Dinercella', with all the words swapped in the same way.  One of our Pastor friends did a great presentation of 'My Old Man's a Dustman'
He has a great voice, is very tall and his performance was very humorous.  His wife grew up in Ryde Church, same as I did though she is a few years older, and she is the nicest, most caring person you'd ever find, as indeed is John.

Another pastor performed an oldie from the 60's, Jake the Peg with the extra leg - and did one of the best efforts of it that I've seen in a long time
You can tell I was a teenager in the 60's, can't you lol?  

To see 'Cinderella' the way it was last night was an experience I'll never forget, I think.  The ugly sisters,
'We are ugly'

Prince Charming - who kept telling us he was handsome
'I am handsome'

And of course Cinderella who kept telling us she was sad.  Until the slipper fitted her foot.
The slipper fits
At the end of Cinderella, the Fairy Godmother announced that she had some gifts to give and called Doctor Adams, the President of the North New South Wales Conference and another Pastor up to the stage.  All three are rather lacking in hair, so Prince Charming and the two Ugly Sisters lined up and the Fairy Godmother gave the three pastors the choice of wigs!  Dr Adams had first choice and he chose Prince Charming's multi-coloured wig - I wondered whether he would take it back to Washington DC with him but no, he gave it back at the end.  What a shame.

Here they are, with their wigs.  They were laughing so much and moving around so much it was difficult to get them all in frame, but this is the best I could do.

Which wig do you want?

The three pastors join in the fun with total good humour
There were more 'serious' items too, which turned out to be not so serious after all.  It finally came to an end with the 'Grey Nomads Farewell' which had been composed by one of the ladies, and was sung to the tune of the Maori's Farewell.  Then we sang the hymn to the same tune, had prayer and it was over.

Chairs were soon packed up by willing helpers, people were saying goodbye to those leaving last night or early this morning, and the two pianos and organ were being loaded onto a trailer, the sound equipment was being packed up.

And we were too tired for me to even upload my photos to the computer so that's why I'm doing it today. 

We are staying here until tomorrow to avoid the huge exodus. More on that later.


  1. You have certainly had a memorable time Sandie. I can understand how sad you must feel now it's at an end but what lovely memories and photo's to take home. Thank-you for allowing us to "join in"
    Blessings and happy mothers day too!
    Vicki xx

    1. Thank you for wanting to join in, Vicki! We will certainly be returning to Grey Nomads every year that we possibly can. It was hard to leave but everything has to end. I hope you had a lovely Mothers Day. Hugs, Sandie


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