Welcome to my newest blog, which is just for those times when we are having holidays and/or travelling around our fascinating country, Australia. To read about our 7-month trip around Australia, see http://SandrafromSydney.blogspot.com to follow my mini adventures, visit http//:SnippetsfrommyStudio.blogspot.com To see some of my scrapbooking and how I develop in cardmaking, my newest hobby, visit http://ScrappySnippets.blogspot.com

Monday, May 7, 2012

Grey Nomads Camp - Day 1

The day started with a devotional meeting at 7.30am, and the pastor leading out was amazed.  Usually at camp meetings he said, he is happy if 50 or so people come at that time in the morning to start the day with worship.  Today, there were over 500 in the 3-pole tent in which our meetings are held.  He said that the older generation had something to teach younger people lol.  This is the tent, below.  It is a reasonable size, with 3 central poles.

For big camps, it is the Junior tent, for children ages around 8-10.  
At 9.30 the morning Bible Study service commenced, and the tent was quite packed then, with 600 people in there.  We enjoyed beautiful singing from Manuel Escorcio, a former opera singer in South Africa, who now travels the world singing to the glory of God, as part of this service.  

This was followed by a wonderful Church service at 11. A very inspiring message was given by one of my favourite preachers, and even though he went over time, no-one in the tent was worried I am sure, we were all drinking in everything he had to say.

 The Conference Centre is beautifully appointed.  One building has the kitchen and a large dining/function room. There's another that has the office, camp store and other facilities. 

We had bought meal tickets for lunch in the dining room, and there were two long queues enjoying a good chat and lots of laughter while delicious smells wafted from the kitchen. 

We were halfway down the queue and by the time we arrived the first diners had finished their meals and were being asked to leave so that there would be some places free at the tables for the rest. Towards the end of the meal - baked pumpkin and potato, green beans, cauliflower au gratin and a vegetarian schnitzel with gravy, followed by apple pie and custard, apricot pie and cream or fruit salad, and a drink - I spotted a woman who grew up in the same church that I did.  Her brother was in the same group of young men that my husband-to-be went around with when he first joined our church, before I knew him.  It was great to catch up with her.

I got into conversation with a chap in line, and we ended up by chance sitting opposite him and his wife at the table.  He has spent many years in the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea, and we had a really interesting talk.  They have been over much of Australia but now do most of their travelling to Papua New Guinea, building schools and churches on Fly-and-Build trips.

The afternoon meeting was again really inspiring, and we only had time for a quick tea before it was time for vespers or closing Sabbath.  Then at 6.30 there was a concert by Manuel Escorsio, and he gave the most wonderful performance, with a wide range of songs and involved the audience with several of them, calling some up on stage to sing to them, choosing two of the men to come up and teaching them some 'choreography' and getting them to sing with him.  I hope they don't give up their day jobs!  We laughed until our sides felt like they would burst.  He is a real character.

Manuel Escorcio
Some of the audience
We are quite tired again tonight.  It's been a very full day, and of course we're still recovering from the trip - or perhaps I should say, from the rush of getting ready vbg.  The walk to and from the meeting tent is good for us, it gives me more exercise than I've had since I had the whooping cough and I'm glad to have it.  But it is tiring at the moment too, so hopefully after a week of it I will have more endurance.

Tomorrow there is a workshop on photography, which will be very interesting.
Until  then -


  1. What a wonderful feeling it must be to have so many gather together with the same purpose. I wish we were able to have the same sort of gathering but sadly, I don't think we in the Uniting Church would be able to have so many at the one time.
    The presence of the Lord would be so powerful that I imagine you could almost touch it.
    Blessings Vicki xx

    1. It certainly is Vicki, such an awe-inspiring feeling. This is only a small camp though, with 600 people. The annual camp in Brisbane this year had 7,000 people attending and years ago when we had one in Sydney there was always 4-5,000 meeting on the Sabbath at Blacktown Campground, with about 3,000 staying on the ground, and that was up until the 1980's when we had to sell the land because the suburbs had caught up with us. Every state has a 'Big Camp' and attendees number in the thousands. It is an unforgettable spiritual experience and blessing.


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