Welcome to my newest blog, which is just for those times when we are having holidays and/or travelling around our fascinating country, Australia. To read about our 7-month trip around Australia, see http://SandrafromSydney.blogspot.com to follow my mini adventures, visit http//:SnippetsfrommyStudio.blogspot.com To see some of my scrapbooking and how I develop in cardmaking, my newest hobby, visit http://ScrappySnippets.blogspot.com

Monday, June 3, 2013

Epilogue - an eventful trip home!

Life is never boring for us at least.  Boring would be good.  Boring would be much, much less expensive!  As I said, boring would be good.

We set off from Stuart's point on Thursday and got as far as our younger daughter Kirstie's place.   It was a great evening with her and her family - her husband was home from work, and her four precious children were very excited to see us.  They had been waiting for our arrival.  Her family has our youngest and oldest grandsons and our only two granddaughters and they are growing up far, far too fast.  We had booked into a  caravan park for the night even though Kirstie thought we'd be able to park in the driveway of their new house.  She was correct, we could have but it would have been quite a hassle setting up electricity and water.  It is easier at the caravan park.  They had visitors too, a couple they have become friends with and the wife's parents who were over from Singapore.  The parents were very interested to see how people lived in a house, because they were used to apartment living in Singapore.  Kirstie put on a lovely dinner and we had a great evening then came back the next morning to spend more time with the family.

We wanted to also call in to see a friend on the way home.  She only lives a couple of hours from Kirstie, and we stopped at Cessnock which is quite near Cooranbong where she lives.  After spending Friday night and Saturday there we were ready to set off on Sunday morning, went to start the car and - nothing.  The starter motor wouldn't turn over.

We called the NRMA, the roadside assistance and while we were waiting for them we took some photos of these Eastern Rosellas, which were having a great time on the grass opposite us.

The NRMA mechanic arrived in fairly good time, and he just tapped the starter motor and it started fine.  Something loose, he said. So we figured that we'd still visit our friend and just give it another tap when the time came to start up again, if we had problems.  So off we went and had a great time with our friend Karen.

But poor thing, she got more than she bargained for when we came to visit!  Time to go, Peter said (at 2.30).  Okay, and off we went.  All settled in the car, turned the key - nothing.  Tapped the starter motor - nothing.  Tried again - nothing.  Called the NRMA again, the mechanic arrived and gave the verdict - the starter motor was dead.  Whatever was just loose before was now totally broken.   So they called for a tow truck - but because there are three of us it had to have a dual cab instead of just an ordinary towtruck, so that the three of us would fit into it.

Finally it arrived - at 6pm.  He lives at Stockton Beach, on the northern edge of  Newcastle, over 60 kms away but had come from another job in Newcastle proper.  He hoisted our car onto the rear of the truck and hooked the caravan behind and towed us all the way home to our place - 127kms.  We have a premium level of membership with the NRMA so it is free, thank goodness.  We just used our eTag for the tollway because that isn't covered by the NRMA.  This morning we called them again and another tow truck came and took our car to the autoelectrician.  A new starter motor is not an inexpensive item ;-(

So - as I said, boring would be great!  This trip we've had the awning and annexe damaged and now need a new starter motor.  So it has been quite eventful.   We are grateful however, that it didn't start at our friend's house then decide not to start when we stopped at the service station a few kilometres away to fill the car with diesel.  Imagine how popular we would have been if we'd broken down at the only diesel pump and blocked  the way through :-)

It was a slow trip home in lots of rain, a late night to bed and I woke up at 5am.  Thankfully it is fine and sunny today and I have been feeding our washing machine continuously all day.  Then I will tackle the pile of minis that my nephew has piled haphazardly onto the lounge 'so that he could do some housework' and see how many of them are damaged!  So far I've found two.    But the first thing I did last night was to open the five parcels waiting for me: some kits from Petite Properties, some furniture for the Fairfield, some fabrics and two absolutely gorgeous dolls that I had commissioned.  But you'll have to read the Fairfield blog to see all of those - when I get the energy ;-)


  1. Gosh Sandra, I'll bet you were all quite glad to get home. I agree that boring is less expensive etc, but then your blog post would have been much shorter!!
    Blessings, Vicki.

  2. Yes Vicki, for once I actually was glad to get home :-)That is a first, I think! Thanks for the comment, I didn't think anyone was interested. But I blog on anyway vbg and there you were. Peter is off picking up our repaired car right at this moment and the washing is nearly caught up so it's just the awning and annexe to fix and we're ready to set off again lol! Hugs, Sandie


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