Today I thought I'd spend some time taking photos around the place. First I managed to get a load of sheets washed and a load of other things and hung them all out on the line, then went to a meeting. We had been there for 30 minutes when it started to rain :( Peter went rushing off to rescue the washing from the clothesline, and after the meeting when I rejoined him at the caravan we rigged up a line across the annexe for the sheets, and moved the transportable mini clothesline into the annexe too for me to hang all the smaller items on it. That was the end of the opportunity to take photos for the day - it has been raining ever since. I don't mind the rain, or the drop in temperature that has come with it. I love the sound of the rain on the roof, we are all warm and dry and we have warm coats and umbrellas to go to and fro wherever we want. But no photos.
Except for a couple I took with my phone in the big tent. They are not wonderful - I do apologize for that. We are sitting to the side of the tent so that Nathan can read the words to the songs or watch the speaker on the large screen that is there, but that doesn't make for good photos. The first is of a special item we had today, of a couple of the men playing two saws. Yes, that's right - 2 saws. Just ordinary carpenter's saws, about 3 ft long or so, and they played them with a bow like you would use for a violin. It was very lovely music too. I was amazed. I hope you can make out in these photos that the handle end of the saw is butted up against their knee, and they are holding the other end in their hand.
Last year I showed you a photo of Dolly, the dog that says 'amen'. Well, she's here again this year. She's a Schnauzer Poodle cross - a Schnoodle and she's just the sweetest thing. She is sitting with her people just across the aisle from where we are sitting. Dolly knows just when to let out that single yap - just as though she's saying 'Amen'. Sorry again about the quality of the photo.
Here she is enjoying one of the special items
You can't really see her all that well in these photos so I'll show you the one I posted last year, when she 'posed' for me. She's grown a bit since then, but she's still a friendly, likeable dog. Much prettier than she appears in the photos, too.
There are quite a few small dogs here at camp. In fact one lot of our friends have brought their furbaby with them - she goes everywhere with them. She is a shih tzu-Maltese cross and her name is Pebbles. There are a couple of other shih tzu-maltese cross dogs, white like my furgrandbaby Fluffy, and also a most beautiful King Charles Spaniel, as well as various other types of dogs. About half a dozen of them come to the tent for meetings, and you'd never even know they were there until you see them leaving afterwards.
Now despite my talk about dogs, I'm not actually a dog person believe it or not. I guess having Fluffy adopt me as she has is changing me a bit. But I don't mind small dogs (as long as I can wash my hands) and these ones here at camp are so well behaved. Cats are rather more my cup of tea. But I do love my grandfurbaby Fluffy. So I'll leave you with a photo of her just for the sake of it - it has no relevance to anything here whatsoever :)
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